Dr. Nesochi's Media Archive

May 20, 2016

Dr. Nesochi discusses why some people get more tired than others and how smoking may lead to fatigue on Bustle.

11 Everyday Habits Of People Who Are Never Tired by Carina Wolff Most of us are far too familiar with feeling tired. We chug coffee to […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi shares some advice on how to lose weight for the summer on the Dailymeal.

New Exercise Classes Can Inspire Change “Stay active, says Dr. Nesochi Okeke-Igbokwe, MD, MS, an internal medicine attending physician at the NYU Langone Medical Center and […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi gives recommendations on foods to try if you have a sensitive stomach on Bustle.

7 Helpful Foods To Eat If You Have A Sensitive Stomach If you’re someone who frequently experiences an upset stomach or indigestion, you know how particular […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi shares a few tips on avoiding some very common personal hygiene mistakes on Bustle.

6 Common Hygiene Mistakes You’re Probably Making When it comes to personal hygiene, most of us are pretty well-versed in how often to take a shower […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi talks to CBS news about a study on high endurance exercise and your health–Watch now.

Could too much exercise be toxic? FEBRUARY 25, 2016, 6:28 PM/strong> It’s been well-established that regular exercise is a key component to a healthy life, but […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi discusses some common food allergies on Bustle.

7 Common Food Allergies That You May Want To Watch Out For When it comes to food, no one wants to experience allergies, as they can […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi discusses some of the habits that can age you on Bustle.

6 Habits That Can Age You, Both On The Inside & Out When you’re young, most of your life decisions revolve around getting your life together […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi discusses some of the signs you are drinking too much coffee on Bustle.

7 Signs You’re Drinking Too Much Coffee, Because Caffeine Can Cause Weird Side Effects On days when you’re tired or need that extra boost, coffee can […]
May 19, 2016

Dr. Nesochi discusses some of the causes of feminine odor on Sheknows.

5 Common causes of feminine odor — because we’ve all been there If you’re past the age of puberty, you have probably figured out that vaginas […]

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