Tea Time interview–my exclusive health chat on PlusTVAfrica
April 21, 2019
Dr. Nesochi talks to CBS news about the effectiveness of the flu vaccine–Watch now.
April 30, 2019
Alcohol and Diabetes: How to Drink Safely
You can imbibe when you have diabetes, but follow these tips to protect your health.
Stress Management and Diabetes: Why It’s Critical for Better Blood Sugar
Minimizing stress is a key part of your diabetes treatment plan.
Smoking and Diabetes: Why Quitting Is So Crucial
Smoking when you have diabetes creates an even more toxic environment for your heart and other organs.
Sleep and Diabetes: Why It’s Key for Blood Sugar Control
If you’re not getting good-quality slumber, your blood sugar could suffer.
These 7 Eating Habits Are Bad for Diabetes
Steer clear of eats that can make blood sugar control worse.
Stress Management and Diabetes: Why It’s Critical for Better Blood Sugar
Minimizing stress is a key part of your diabetes treatment plan.
Learn more on HealthiNation